Who Controls Your Mind?

Are you thinking, “Great question” or are you thinking, “What do you mean? I control my own mind?” Really? Are you sure about that?

I can tell you that the image we’ve probably all seen by now or imagined in our minds isn’t too far from the truth. The image I’m referring to has an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. There really is an evil one who whispers into your ear. There is also a godly one who will whisper into your ear, too.

What comes out of us is just as important as what goes in. So what comes out of you?

Your mouth or your written words have entered your mind first, and possibly your heart, too. Again, what comes out starts from what’s within.

In James 1:21, the Bible states:

Get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls.

God’s salvation is free and undeserved. (See Romans 11:6, among other verses in the Bible.)

How well do you know our Heavenly Father? Have you read the Bible yet, so that God can plant His Word in your heart?

Some people have evil agendas. They have been conditioned from birth to believe in what they say, write, or think. Their actions follow their mind and heart. Although some just follow the crowd that may steer them in a certain direction, whether they realize it or not. They may be easily swayed in the wrong direction.

Who has attempted to influence your mind? You should think about who controls your mind, which will effect everything else in your life. You may be easily deceived or brainwashed, but you ultimately have control over this if you choose.

I’ve been using this platform for many years and will continue to spread the Word of truth. This is the Word of God: the Bible.

Do you have the Holy Spirit residing in your heart? If not, you are likely listening to and following the wrong crowd.

Even if you follow the right crowd, the enemy can still come in and whisper evil thoughts into your mind. Who will you listen to when this happens? Will you control your thoughts and actions or will you be led astray?

You must get to know the Lord in a close relationship, and it should be for the glory of God. Why not start today because it may be too late tomorrow.

Until we virtually meet again, may God call you to Himself!

God’s Word for Today:So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” (Romans 8:6) (The Spirit referred to in this verse from the Holy Bible is Almighty God’s Holy Spirit.)

Copyright © 2023 by Patricia Shehan * All Rights Reserved.

You may share this blog post if you include this copyright and the source: PattyShehan.com

All scripture is quoted from various translations of the Holy Bible (God’s Word) and is set in italics.

Author: PSinyrhrt

Patty Shehan, author of the book, What's in Your Heart?

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