The Most Important Result of His First Miracle!

If you read the post on the Facebook page, then you’re wondering what the answer is to the question that was posed there.

If you haven’t seen the Facebook page yet, then I’ll give the background information and the question here in the blog. (Click on the link to reach the Facebook page for that post and much more!)

Jesus Christ was attending a wedding at Cana. His mother asked Him to do something about the troubling situation the wedding hosts found themselves in. They had run out of wine.

Although Jesus replied to his mother saying that it wasn’t His time yet, He quickly obeyed her and turned the water into wine. This was His very first miracle.

Now, the question was: “This event is commonly known, but what was the most important result of this event?”

The answer is that after the miracle, the disciples confidently believed in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. They believed in Him, fully trusted Him, and relied on Him, too. (See the Bible verse below.)

Personally, I am so very grateful to have full trust in Jesus Christ, my Savior, and to fully rely on Him, too! It’s really peaceful, even though there is chaos everywhere around with wars and rumors of wars.

Do you believe in God? If so, do you truly trust in Him? If not, open your heart to believe in Him and fully trust in Him, and rely on Him, too. If you haven’t opened your heart to Him yet, then please:

Use the Contact tab to reach out.

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Until we virtually meet again, may God call you to Himself.

Copyright © 2024 Patricia Shehan

Author: PSinyrhrt

Patty Shehan, author of the book, What's in Your Heart?

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