Seek Discernment

God’s Word for Today blog

Here is Merriam Webster’s definition of discernment: The ability to grasp and comprehend what is unknown to most people. Here’s my spiritual definition of discernment: The knowledge and wisdom through the Holy Spirit to be guided into God’s truths for all your decisions.

Did you know that we may be on the brink of World War III, but another war is going on and it’s attacking our minds, that is, if we let it? Fear can do incredible things to the human mind. It can also damage your normal physiological bodily functions if you don’t keep your mind within your own control. The perceived fear can override rational thinking.

In a world full of global news, how do you know who to trust with the information you’re receiving so that you can make wise and Godly decisions? If you were to line up the mainstream media side by side across the channels, you’d realize that they all have nearly identical information, even with the same words. You want to know why? It’s because they’re run by less than a handful of owners who own multiple media companies. These conglomerates receive most of their funds from advertisers who have been “brought to you by P fizer.” (There’s an extra space in the manufacturer’s name on purpose here for you proofreaders!)

Other media outlets that I refer to as the “underground news,” also known as the alternative media, provide opposing information, most of which is truthful. Some of the information is prophetic, and it is believed to be predicted as what is still to come.

Both sides of the media refer to the opposing side of information as either “fake news” or “disinformation.” So how do you discern the truth between the opposing information of what you believe to be the truth?

… Especially when we are warned:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;

Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;

Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)

Woe means ruinous trouble …, as the evil will eventually be punished. If we are truly One with God in discernment of the truth, we can see the evil being called good today and the good being called evil today. What sorrow will come to those who spread lies and evil this way. Woe to them who devise ways to deceive, even the righteous ones if we are not careful.

God also warns us:

My people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge …” (Hosea 4:6)

Another version states this verseslightly different:

My people are being destroyed because they don’t know me …” (Hosea 4:6)

This is blatantly clear to those who have not been deceived. The truth is very evident to those who have discernment to determine the truth.

What sorrow for those who are wise in their own eyes and think themselves so clever.” (Isaiah 5:21)

They take bribery to let the wicked go free and they punish the innocent.” (Isaiah 5:23)

God warns in the next verse that

their roots will rot and their flowers will wither.” (Isaiah 5:24)

Most of the people who associate with me have found the truths. They see the bribes judges have apparently taken to let the wicked go free. These friends and family see how the authorities are punishing the innocent from their rights to freedom, calling them names, and bullying them into submission of their control if they don’t comply. Yet, others seem to be blind to the truth.

So how do we correctly discern and determine the facts from fiction? How do we discern the truth from the lies? How do we find out what is truly good and what is truly evil?

Start with this basic understanding: God created man in His own image. Only humans are created this way: in God’s image.

The enemy of our souls (I usually dislike even naming him: Satan) has come to hate God, so therefore, he hates humans. The last time the fallen angels (demons) tried to intermingle with humans, God destroyed the whole world with a flood. Only a few righteous people were alive at the time and they were given the opportunity to escape the flood.

The enemy wants to destroy our Godly image with “transhumanism,” a combined form of scientific advances and technology to transform humans away from reflecting the image of God into something nonhuman. This is evil wrapped in deceit as being something helpful, but it’s not. Science has been hijacked by global entities following greed and self-gain.

As Christians, we must seek discernment. Start with thinking clearly: Who are you following? I always say you’re either following God or you’re following the devil, whether you recognize it or not.

Are you praying for discernment? Are you praying with persistence? Are you seeking God daily and reading and studying His word, the Bible? Are you asking God for the gift of discernment so that you are not deceived? If you’re not seeking this gift or have not yet received it, then you are probably already deceived.

Are you seeking to know God? How can you serve Him if you don’t really know Him? What does He like? What does He dislike? Would He say He knows you by name?

Have you fallen into fear? Fear of losing your life? If you’re living in fear or you’ve already made your choices based on fear or lies, then you have been deceived. We are given the message repeatedly to only fear the Lord, our God. We are to fear only what God can do to us:

 “If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” (Matthew 10:39) — This scripture is repeated in Matthew 16:25, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, Luke 17:33, and Philippians 2:17 with various word differences, but the overall meaning is the same.

Read Proverbs 2:1-14.

Our past experiences play a large role in our thoughts, attitudes, and decisions. We must seek God in ALL His ways and in ALL things! He will entrust us with the wisdom and impart the knowledge we need to follow Him if we totally trust Him! He doesn’t leave us needlessly wandering or wondering. He will guide us on the proper, righteous path, and He is the only One to be trusted.

Discernment is a gift of God. Deceit and lies are tools of the enemy. Choose wisely this day who you will serve!

If you are following God, you are using your talents to serve Him. So seek discernment and make sure you know and fear only God, and be confident that He knows you, too. Then we can be confident in our victory with God! This takes our obedience, our faith, our trust and our ability to stand firm in our beliefs and not to fear what man can do to us.

Until we virtually meet again, may God call you to Himself!

God’s Word for Today:Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28); and “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment.” (Philippians 1:9)

Copyright © 2022 by Patricia Shehan

All scriptures are quoted from various translations of the Holy Bible and are set in italics.

Author: PSinyrhrt

Patty Shehan, author of the book, What's in Your Heart?

2 thoughts on “Seek Discernment”

  1. I’m extremely impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. Keep up the excellent quality writing, as it’s rare to see a great blog like this one today.

  2. Patty, this article is so incredibly insightful. Such writing can only come from deep places in the soul where the Spirit of God dwells richly.

    Thank you so much for the blessing you are to so many. May God continue to use you mightily for His glory!

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