Rescued and Filled with Light

God rescued me
From my previous fate
He blessed me to be
Free to enter His gate

I had fallen victim to the enemy’s lies
The truth was far away
Suddenly, I could see through the disguise
To my freedom in God today

Don’t be so easily deceived
Believe, repent, and be saved
Open your heart for His love to be received
And then your path will be paved

Now that He rescued me
I’m not only free
There’s so much more I can see
Like the forgiveness Jesus gave us as He hung on that tree

For now you must know
It’s offered to you, friend and foe
To be free to grow
To this, there is a free flow

But one must open their heart
To quickly help advance
For we must all do our part
For the Kingdom of God’s expanse

With each person God has created
To be unconditionally loved by Him
We can all be elated
And shine bright, no longer dim

God rescued me from the grave, and now my life is filled with light.” (Job 33:28, NLT)

Copyright © 2023 by Patricia Shehan

All Rights Reserved

Author: PSinyrhrt

Patty Shehan, author of the book, What's in Your Heart?

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