Heart-shaped rock found at the beach by a friend who has allowed me to freely use her picture.

The photos below correspond with the book, “What’s In Your Heart? Read all about them.

The sun highlights the heart shape.
Crushed soda can laying in the middle of the road. It’s heart shaped!
Baby birds in their nest.
I started seeing hearts everywhere
on my walks.
An orange peel in the shape of a heart that was found on the ground!
Waterfall in North Carolina
“Black Bird” sketch and watercolors.
Artist: Patty Shehan
Various insects

Birds in a smile formation!
Watermelon piece on the ground in the shape of a heart found while on my walk.

Aerial view of Baltimore from the plane.
Whale at a museum that reminded me of the story of Jonah and the whale in the Bible.
This replica was huge!