Half an Hour of Silence

We live in a very noisy world with people feeling a lot of fear these days. If people don’t know God, they may be living in this constant state of fear without end.

For those who already know God, there is still fear, but it’s the fear of God instead of humans. For Christians, we can apply God’s protection to our minds and hearts. There are still battles to be encountered, but since we have God on our side, we can put on the helmet of salvation for our mind and the shield of faith for our hearts, while we also apply the rest of our armor (see the previous blog post named “On Guard”).

Sometimes, a state of fear can cause someone to become silent. Maybe there is a fear of speaking up or standing your ground. We need to do both of these things without fear of retribution.

Did you know there is approximately “half an hour of silence” that will take place in Heaven in the near future? Yes, someday there will be about 30 minutes of silence in Heaven. When imagining Heaven, it’s difficult to consider a complete silence for that long.

“Why will this happen?” you may be asking. I’ve asked several pastors that same question. No one seemed to have a plausible answer.

So, I went digging, but I never unearthed anything worthy that could answer the question. It remained a mystery to me for many years.

Then one day, I found a local pastor that had the answer. “That’s it!” I exclaimed when I found it. These are my notes on the subject:

When the 7th seal is broken (as cited in Revelation in the Holy Bible), there will be silence throughout Heaven for about 30 minutes. There is sadness in God’s heart for the inhabitants of the earth who will not repent. His wrath is about to be unleashed. I believe those in Heaven will know what’s about to take place and this is a time of solemnity. God has every right to release His punishment upon the unrepentant hearts of the inhabitants left behind.

Let this be your notice if you have not surrendered to the God who can save you. He offers His free gift of salvation when you believe and confess … Take heart to embrace the truth.

Those left on earth who refused God’s salvation will experience the wrath of God. Very scary events will occur on the earth when this begins. So, if you think the last three years were scary with a pandemic or all the other crazy things that have been happening throughout the world, you haven’t seen anything yet!

You decide: Do you want to escape this or be here for the scariest time of your life? It’s still your choice, but I believe your choice will be coming to a close soon. Don’t wait until it’s too late!

If you accept God’s salvation today, you will be found worthy to escape the horrors to come. We don’t know the day or the hour, but we can see the signs of His return for the Christians. He is Jesus Christ, our Savior. Many individuals who follow the enemy of the air (also known as the devil) are all around the world now openly using all kinds of ammunition against the Christians.

Note the following Bible verse:

Keep alert at all times. And pray that you might be strong enough to escape these coming horrors and stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36)

However, you must first be saved to escape. If you want to learn more about getting saved, contact me through this website.

Until we virtually meet again, may God call you to Himself!

God’s Word for Today: “When the Lamb broke the seventh seal on the scroll, there was silence throughout heaven for about half an hour.” (Revelation 8:1)

Copyright © 2023 by Patricia Shehan ● All Rights Reserved

All scriptures are quoted from various translations of the Holy Bible and are set in italics.


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