Which One Will You Choose?

It really is your choice! It’s Heaven or Hell. Which one will you choose? Some people actually refer to Hell as their party place. Do they really think they’ll be able to bring a drink up to their mouth or do anything with their hands? They won’t have a body to be able to do … Continue reading “Which One Will You Choose?”

It really is your choice! It’s Heaven or Hell. Which one will you choose?

Billboard just down the street from my home.

Some people actually refer to Hell as their party place. Do they really think they’ll be able to bring a drink up to their mouth or do anything with their hands? They won’t have a body to be able to do it.

Ian McCormick describes his Hell and Heaven accounts of what happened to him. Living in New Zealand, he chased the big waves all the way to the Island of Mauritius Island to surf. He stayed with a man who welcomed him into his home telling him, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy man.”

Worry he would, as he was in for the ride of his life. McCormick was staying on a remote island far from his home. One night, he would be forced to face the choices he had made about his own life and death.

Death is on our minds a lot more since the pandemic. We recently heard an amazing testimony from an auto dealership owner about how a prayer and the fear of Hell stopped him from suicide. He explained the consequences of his sins, and how God turned it all around for His glory. His wife got saved, and his dad got saved, too. His dad was completely and immediately healed from a meth addiction. More about that hopefully in a sequel to my book (see info below).

God is good. All the time, God is good. He never changes.

We choose whether we’ll believe in Him or not. We choose right from wrong. We each choose Heaven or Hell.

McCormick chose to humble himself and surrender to God. Our merciful God forgave McCormick upon his request, as he was near death in the ambulance. God restored a sinner from an eternity in Hell and the Lake of Fire.

McCormick realized he had truly been dead. He had also been in the presence of Jesus Christ, when suddenly he found himself in the morgue with a toe tag on his foot. The doctors and nurses were white as ghosts seeing him alive after McCormick was dead for about 15 minutes!

Stories like this and more are revealed in my book:

What’s in Your Heart?
Answering the Question We All Ask

By Patty Shehan

Until we virtually meet again, may God call you to Himself!

God’s Word for Today:What man meant for evil, God meant for good to save many.” (Genesis 50:20)

Copyright © 2022 by Patricia Shehan
All scriptures are quoted from various translations of the Holy Bible and are set in italics.


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